Thursday, March 12, 2009

Greetings to you in Jesus name,I hailed from a family of idol worshippers. I am having my wife and three sons. I am now aged 49 years. I got married at my early age according to HINDU rites and principles. In our life, we searched real God in vision. I and my wife were saved by God about 22 years back as He called on us for His service since 20years, and serving Him with utmost faith, resigning to our posts. We started NEW JERUSALEM CHURCH at TENALI TOWN and subsequently transformed into CLASP MINISTRY. God blessed us to spread it services to several parts of our country. Our main motive is to make people who are in desperate mood committing sins to know the true love of Jesus and to preach Gospel to such people. The details of our various services are given below and request youth spare some of your valuable time to visit our website and let be know your valuable suggestions to follow.Pastor J.Prabhudas.
souls saved by these Gospel meetings conducted in rural villages scattered at one place and conduct for them worship services on Sundays and fasting prayers on every Friday and Saturdays, decides special meetings.Most of our Churches have no permanent buildings and they are being run in thatched houses, and in some places they are being run in rented houses, there are 24 Churches that are being ministered by 16 co-Pastors, we were searching for new places to start Churches and request you to join in prayers with us, for starting many a Churches.
MAGAZINE SERVICEWe have obtained permission from the Government and publishing a monthly magazine in the name and style of ‘PRAYER GLORY’ with 20 pages of 5,000 copies that are being circulated to various parts of our country and thereby spreading Gospel word through this Magazine service. In this magazine we stress the need of salvation and the qualities of a preacher. I request you to pray for the Magazine to enhance it circulation and to get the hearts of many a winning souls.
Clasp Christmas New Year Worship
To make our pastors those that are serving God in various parts of India, we were conducting pastors’ seminars and thereby encouraging them for abundant service. We invite experienced preachers to conduct these pastors’ seminars. Large numbers of pastors are being benefited by these pastors’ seminars. We were praying for those who encourage and conduct such Pastors’ Seminars in our country.1. To conduct Pastors’ Seminars.2. To supply necessary material to them.3. To clear their doubts.
We were maintaining a Bible School, giving Bible training to young Christian people and making them to grow more in Jesus to become perfect preachers to preach and teach in Churches and Congregations, we anoint them and guide them to reach the unreached. But we were praying for those, who come forward to extend their help and support to these pastors and request you to join in prayers with us. These young anointed people are serving among atheist idol worshippers.1. Identifying dedicated young people and giving Bible training to them.2. Advising them to visit rural villages and to start Churches and congregations.

We reach the unreached rural villages, conduct Gospel meetings for three days in night timings and pray in day timings. By conducting these Gospel meetings, in some places, some people accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. We were giving baptisms and starting churches for them, in which our co-Pastors conduct Church activities.Gospel meetings are being conducted in a particular type. Gospel meetings conducted on three days in every week. We invite experienced and well-trained preachers to preach the Gospel word. We were prying for those well-trained, experienced and perfect preachers to preach in our Gospel meetings and request you to pray for these Gospel meetings.

There are few pastors working with us and they go to rural villages and are serving with utmost faith, reaching several financial hardships. Maintenance of their families becomes difficult. As there are no Churches for their own, they are conducting worship services in theirented houses. Therefore I request you to pry for those to come forward to raise them in
crusades is part of our ministry. We serve intensely for months together, them from various places of various religions, choosing a convenient and large open space for conducting huge Crusade meetings, so that thousands of people hear the word of God and gets healed. By witnessing these programmes, several people are glorifying our Lord, and many a people accepted Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior. It is good, if these Crusade meetings forward in conducting these Crusade meetings and request you to join in prayers with us.We visit Villages and Towns in advance, conduct Gospel meetings and lead people to Crusad
We give great importance to this service. There are large numbers of old aged people in the area where we are serving. And they are leading miserable lives. We find them at some places in unconscious state having no proper clothing to cover their bodies from cold or blankets. Some are seen in physically unwell condition and are not in a position to go to even to their nature’s call. We love these people, go to them, get them treated by Doctors, give them medicines at free of cost so that they may get strength. We give them clothes, rice, provisions on a regular monthly basis at free of cost. Our aim is to make them forget their sufferings and lead most of their time in prayer. There are large numbers of old aged people having no proper food that are neglected by their sons or daughters. It is prayerfully decided to start Old Age Home for these people and request you to join in prayer with us.To identify helpless neglected old aged people.To provide free medical treatment.To give food and clothing on regular basis.To make them spend most of their time in prayer
There are large numbers of HIV/AIDS infected people in the area where we are saving and most of them are young people living below poverty line. Most of the women used to choose for prostitution for their livelihood, and their lives are miserable. There are none to look after those People hate them. I knew no words to describe their living conditions. We go to them, pray for them and preach them and make them know the love of Jesus that He did never forsake them. These people are accepting Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior and are added to the Kingdom of God. We encourage them, make them to confess their sins and lead them for salvation. We feel very happy in doing this service. Many a souls were saved. We were providing rice, dall, oil, soaps and clothes to some of the poor people on a regular monthly basis. Free medical treatment by expert Doctors provided and giving medicines at free of cost. We gathered some of the children of HIV/AIDS victims who are orphans. I request you to pray for these helpless children. These children are looking to God for help and support and request you to pray for these.Identify HIV/AIDS victims and praying for them.Preaching Gospel to them.Providing provisions to poor people on a regular basis.Making them know Jesus’ love and encouraging them.Conducting free medical treatment and giving them protinized food and medicines on regular basis at free of cost.Conducting Special prayer meetings for HIV/AIDS victims.Making them to lead a happy life in the society.

Part of our service we visit some prisons getting Government permission and make them know about the love of Jesus and make them to confess their sins before God for His excuse. We share our love to them give them soaps, pastes and clothes. We also take Doctors with us to get them treated at free of cost, and came them know that they get these through Jesus’ love. Some of the prisoners who confessed their crimes accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior and serving Him after their release. It causes us great happiness. Government also agreed to donate Gifts. It is prayerfully decided to give a Bible book to each and every prisoner in the jail and request you to join in prayer with us. As there is no permission to draw pictures, we could not able to secure more pictures. Some of the pictures are taken and you are hereby invited to see our website at------Visiting prisons and preaching Gospel word to them.Providing them the minimum needs.Making them to pray for excuseGetting treated with Doctors, giving medicines at free of cost.I request you to kindly join in prayer with us in this great task.
In this modern age, young people are habituated to bad vices and thereby making their lives miserable. They resort to prostitution which leads to cause HIV/AIDS. Most of the HIV/AIDS victims are the youth and they are in the age group of 16 to 30 years at 93%. Keeping in view of it, to put the young people on right track we visit colleges, Schools and libraries and conducting meetings for them according to Psalms 119:9. We used to meet young people personally and preach them Gospel word. Most of the young people living in the area of our service are illiterates. We were taking pains in preaching them. Large number of young souls was saved and is added to the Kingdom of God and I request you to kindly pray for them.Visiting Colleges and distributing pamphlets.Preaching to young people meeting them personally.Conducting Special Prayer meetings for young people.Encouraging them by conducting competitions in Bible Quiz and giving them prizes.Conducting youth Treats
There are large number of orphan children who lost their mother and father in the area where we are serving. We are providing books, clothes, medicines and provisions to some of the poor children. There are also some HIV/AIDS infected children and we were providing the needy. There are number of such children living on road margins and are seen begging in Railway Stations and their plights are miserable. As there are none to look after them, some of them are dying due to starvation, and we are in helpless condition to render any help to them. It is prayerfully decided to start an orphan Home for such helpless Orphan children whenever generous people come forward to their rescue according to James 1:27. I request you to kindly join in prayer with us. Sunday school is conducted to these children on every Sunday in evening timings as part of our service to them. The children seen in this photo picture are some of the HIV/AIDS infected children.
Write your prayer requests to us. We are very happy to pray for you and your families. E Mail:
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If you are inspired by these services, please extend your help and support by sending you valuable donations that are more useful to carry on these services.
Pastor Janamala Prabhudas
Coll +91- 9290619410,93463 37194

1 comment:

  1. I thank you for send me the invitation through the email system of facebook. I have bookmarked the blogs and will read them as you update. I praise G-d for your faithfulness to press forward with the gospel...That all who seek Him will become a member of the kingdom...The Kingdom of G-d is at hand. Continued blessings from Our FAther who art in Heaven...Aleichem Shalom!!!!

    Propet Janet Brown
